following short walk offers glimpses of the fascinating history of this part of London -
and a view of the future too, the Millennium Dome on the other side of the River.Starting
at Greenwich Pier, one can walk pass the Greenwich Foot Tunnel, built in 1899, the famous
'Gipsy Moth', in which Sir Francis Chichester sailed single-handedly round the world in
1966, and the 'Cutty Sark' - the last of the tea clippers. Greenwich Market is well worth
a browse (Saturdays and Sundays only), before heading up the hill to the Old Royal
Observatory, where you can stand astride the Greenwich Meridian. The National Maritime
Museum rounds off the walk, with its superb collection of model ships, navigation
instruments and works of art.
Length of the walk: 1 hour - plus time in the market and museums. It is an easy walk. |